Monday, 11 February 2008

‘Ethnic Minority push by BBC’

Improve ethnic minority, so that audience can relate/identify with more.
Radio 5, targeting Afro Caribbean’s and making anew radio show with young black youth (equality)
Asian Network broadcasting/expanding world wide.
The purpose of Radio 5 is because ‘Afro Caribbean’s’ were being neglected (the Other)
Radio 5 have stories that target the audience (black)
Asian Network-progressing with the Asian Listeners. BBC does not yet make full use of the Network.
‘Homogeneous’- ethnic minority groups (diverse) (not seen)
Sunrise Radio-not going to call itself ‘Asian’ diverse.

BBC a turn off among Black Audiences

BBC are not doing so well, they lost both black and Asian audience. Dyke wants to get rid of the ‘Hideously white’
· BBC are known for educating and Informing, but are finding it difficult to reach audience.
· Ethnic minority is totally low (4%) but they are making sure that it reaches Black and Asian audience.
· Population is low with the Black towards the BBC. They watch other channels, Asian populations have increased yet it is low across the whole population.
· Kumars at Number 42, EastEnders target Britain rich mix-increase in viewers.
· Main aim is to broadcast more high impact.

The Colour of Money

7.9% is made of ethnic minority (advertising company is not representative)
· New Audience ‘2001 50% ethnic minority’ white community dropping down.
· Asians-got positive stereotype ‘Aspirational, hardworking, and economically powerful’.
· Growth in ethnic minority media (Asian channels)
· Black and Asian mainstream Media watch T.V
· Media are fragmented- not enough readers.
· U.K now multicultural ‘Brown Pound’ Asian are developing

BBC is still showing it’s ‘Hideously white face’

Recruiting ethnic minority staff-not accommodating racial and cultural differences.
Colonial culture-Force of globalisation, age of empire is over
Dyke is trying to improve ethnic minority staff
EastEnders has less audience (black and Asian)
Trying to get rid of the hideously white face, recruiting more ethnic minority
Ethnic portrayal needs to be considered. Builds a multi cultural corporation.

Sub continental Drift

· Asians are being recognised by music
· Reduce marginuialsed and challenge stereotypes
· Cultural diversity strength and development
· Different backgrounds-entering music world developing
· New dramas bringing the identity of British Asian (Goodness Gracious Me)

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