Wednesday, 20 February 2008

'Goodness Gracious Me'

Clip One

This clip clearly shows the ‘typical Asians’. In this episode, we see the son receiving 3 A’s and one B, and the father is not happy with the son receiving a B, as he considers it a low grade. We see the father comparing his son to their neighbours and saying how he received 2 A levels with grade A. Despite his son getting 3 A’s, and has a place at Cambridge to study Medicine his father is still not happy. It also shows us how typical the Asian parents are, as they want their son to be studying ‘Medicine’, which is a Asian ‘Thing’.

We can say that the White are laughing at the Asians. As their son has received 3 A levels, grade and their parents are not happy about it. It is seen to be ironic because getting 3 A level grades (A) is s good thing. It is seen to also be funny because Asian parents expect their children to be getting really good grades not B, as B is also seen to be a very good grade.

Clip 2

This clip shows how the Asians are laughing at the ‘Whites’. In this episode we are introduced to ‘Simon’, Simon is seen to a be gay and is in love with the Asian son and both want to get married. Humour is seen in this episode as the ‘Asian’ parents are not happy that their son is gay and wants to get married to a White person.

The message here can be that the ‘Whites’ are seen to be as ‘the Other’ and is being isolated with all the Asians, maybe this is one of the reason why the Asian parents are not happy to see their son with a white boy. We can also say that Asian’s are progressing and are rejecting their parent’s norms and values, and their traditional culture because their son wants to marry a white man, and at that time society will never accept this.

Clip 3

In this episode we can clearly see a role reversal here. Sarah who is a white and is married to a Asian, we see the Whites mocking the Asians. At first we see all the Asians gathered together in the table and them saying: ‘ Making her feel comfortable and welcomed’. This Cleary shows that they do not want her to be isolated and left out, as she is seen to be ‘the Other’.

However, it is seen to be laughing at the Asians, and this is clearly seen through the English. By her wearing a Indian suit and sitting on the floor rather then the table shows that this is how Asians act and behave. They are seen to be inferior and the Whites seen to be superior.

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